To infinity and beyond...
According to George Bernard Shaw, There are 2 tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire and the other is to get it.
There is no place like home. Sometimes, going abroad is a better potion for life. after all, we’re humans, hungry for adventure and willing to the take the risks to chase our dreams, it is by stepping outside that we get a clearer view and a deeper understanding of what is happening within and thus, we are enabled to give back to our country and make positive contributions for its development.Leaving may be difficult, but it is necessary.
Go straight ahead for the endless opportunities that awaits you....
Congratulations. welcome to hell.
How else can we grow as persons if we are always in the same place, if we never challenge ourselves, if we never attempt to go beyond our comfort zones?
and so, just as the exit door is practically cleared of last significant obstacle, we suddenly find ourselves in a sea of uncertainty and fears, negotiating through countless what ifs and what could have been’s and what could be's.
We suddenly recognize the hideous truth within the beautiful lies.
Life is greener on the other side because under the green grass is filth, manure and shit. tons of it.
Shaw is right. its a blessing to have our dream come true but then, a misfortune, that in order to pursue it, we must leave behind the nation that has cradled us and the people who have made our stay worthwhile and embrace the unsympathetic torture in our latest environment.
Meanwhile, someone has been ranting about leaving her country and vows to never return.
what do you think?