Men are indeed from mars. A planet ruled by them with their own language and actions that are so unfamiliar with us women.
Let’s not forget the fact that they are human as well and yet, women expect them to be perfect from doing house work to treating women like Princesses in their own fantasy world.
Unfortunately, the notion of the perfect man has deluded women. Men are just simplistic creatures who adore the uncomplicated attitudes and habits of women.
According to the survey conducted by Shawn T. Smith, Psy.D., men indeed appreciate women however, women should not expect men to communicate the same way men do because men rely on nonverbal communication.
yes, he's not that complicated at all.
Women must understand that when arguing with men, they should discuss a particular conflict and discuss together the solution to it.
Blinded with anger, women tend to revive past conflicts and mistakes. Moreover, “venting” about it seems to be the only solution. This is one major dilemma of men.
Women, take the chill pill and let them men think things over in their head. Men just prefer to sit down and analyze.
But why you may ask?
Apparently, “Being quiet is a way to process, much in the same way that women need to talk to process”.
So you see, men aren’t that complicated after all.