Make no mistake, Tagalog isn’t that complicated to pronounce either. As long as you can pronounce the vowels a,e,i,o u, you’ll get by. Unlike other languages with a difference between spoken and written form, Written Tagalog is also the same as spoken Tagalog.
For foreigners learning the language or who would like to try learning it, Eavesdrop would like to recommend purchasing the book entitled “ Tagalog for Foreigners” by Paraluman S. Apillera.
The book is interesting because Apillera has broken the language into tidbits for Foreigners to learn with ease. There are also English translations of the sentences and words plus a conjugation chart of all Tagalog verbs.

Eavesdrop decided to provide a” sneak peek “ of the book:
We hope you have fun learning Tagalog! And maybe… just maybe, when you’ve become fluent, try learning the local dialects! You’ll be amazed how diverse the Philippine language is!